Friday, 28 February 2014

The New Faces of Beauty

Charlotte Rampling by Peppe Tortora courtesy of Grey Magazine
Marc Jacobs Beauty Campaign by David Sims

Break out the Bolly sweeties!  There is indeed something to celebrate in these waning days of winter. NARS and Marc Jacobs have made a quantum leap into the future of beauty in their decision to hire two women who have been worshipped since they were young.

Charlotte Rampling, 68,will be the face of NARS. Jessica Lange, 64, will be the face of Marc Jacobs.

For seasoned women, women who threw caution to the winds in the 60’s and 70’s and lived a life where they took chances, and as they were doing that, remembered to put on some lippy, seeing the divine Miss Lange and the supreme Miss Rampling in every magazine from New York to Timbuktu will be a triumph of age over youth.

Seniors they are not.  And while we’re at it let’s banish that hateful word to describe women over fifty.  Ramplng and Lange are goddesses as are we.

- Alice Carey, author of I'll Know It When I See It

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Monday, 24 February 2014

Friday, 21 February 2014

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Carlos Lewis

As a kid I used to borrow my grandfather's hats and wear them to school. I always felt a bit more confident wearing one of his wonderful, worn in bowlers. After meeting Milliner, Carlos Lewis, I decided it's time to get something a bit snazzier. Check out Carlos' incredible designs HERE.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Friday, 14 February 2014

How We Met: A Story for Valentine's Day by Carol Markel

How We Met: A Story for Valentine's Dayby Carol Markel

The year was 1962. I was 18 and a freshman at Elmira College. Richard was 29 and a new instructor of art at Elmira. The college held a convocation to introduce the faculty to the students -- an auditorium full of women. This was a college for women only. The faculty was arrayed on the stage, resplendent in their academic robes and mortar boards. The president of Elmira, a one J. Ralph Murray, introduced each teacher starting with full professors and continuing to instructors seated in the back row. Each would stand upon hearing his name. J. Ralph came to Richard. He stood. Tall, reed-thin, handsome, sandy, blond hair -- a skinny Gregory Peck. The women applauded. A collective swoon swept the theater.

Carol and Richard on their wedding day
Cupid, hovering above me, shot an arrow which sailed right through my heart. When the convocation was over, I ran down the aisle to where the Dean of Students was sitting. Breathlessly, I inquired, "Is it too late to sign up for an art class?" I had planned to major in English.
52 years later. Richard and I are celebrating Valentine's Day in Naples, Florida, We are sharing a creative life -- the only kind we can live. Cupid was right. There is still a lot of love and laughter in our lives.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Winter Style Tips From The Style Crone

I asked one of my favorite bloggers, The Style Crone, to share  some of her winter style secrets with  us. If you haven't already checked out her blog, it's a must read. For more from The Style Crone CLICK HERE and enjoy her cold weather tips below:
I was deeply honored when Ari Seth Cohen asked that I submit a guest editorial on the topic of style and dressing for the cold winter months.  After all, it was Advanced Style that was a major inspiration for the launching of my blog stylecrone.comover three and one half years ago.  I have been blogging since then about aging, cancer caregiving, the death of my beloved husband, grieving and transformation through the art form of style and outfits, always wearing a hat.

During this time, I have come to believe that expressing and accepting one’s self fully, be it understated or outrageous and everything in-between, improves well being, decreases fear and changes lives for the better. Thank you Ari, for all that you do to transform and positively impact how our culture views aging.

My approach to style and the bitter cold began in my home state of Minnesota, known for its intense winters. I currently live in Denver, which offers a much more gentle climate. Though winter makes an appearance,  spring-like days interrupt the season.  However, my love for winter coats and jackets remains fully alive, and over the years I have acquired a mostly vintage collection of both.  I look forward to the self expression that they provide. Choosing a coat or jacket, and accessorizing from head to toe to match the temperature is a strategy that keeps me warm and satisfies my love for composing outfits, no matter the season.
Heat escapes from the head, so wearing a hat daily not only improves my mood, but serves the function of providing warmth.  My collection of vintage gloves brightens an outfit with color and detail.  And of course the scarf!  That grand and versatile accessory that adds flair along with comfort.
Maxi skirts, faux fur and turtlenecks provide insulation and I look forward every year to wearing boots.  Layers, layers, layers!  With each piece making its own statement. There are unlimited opportunities to approach the cold with creativity, accessorized with the warmth of humor!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Once Upon a Hat

I photographed milliner, Wanda J. Chambers, outside Arts Weschester where her hats are on display alongside the work of 40 other chapeau designers. Wanda is a natural in front of the camera, but she revealed to me that she only started to feel good about taking pictures, when she started gaining confidence in herself a couple of years ago. To see more of Wanda's wonderful work, check out her website HERE.

Monday, 10 February 2014


Hat by Carlos Hats
This past weekend I attended a wonderful hat exhibit at Arts Weschester in White Plains, NY. There are over 150 hats, designed by 40 contemporary milliners (including our very own Debra Rapoport) on display through the 12th of April. I'll be posting photos from the opening all week and for some more hat inspiration check out the trailer to my favorite movie below:

Friday, 7 February 2014

Style Consistency

I always love running into this stunning woman when I am photo hunting near Madison Avenue. Every time I've stopped her she has been wearing her signature black hat, a wonderful scarf, coat, and pair of earrings. The other day I finally asked her to describe her style to me and she responded, "I always wear black, it's easy. Then I add some accessories." She definitely has a look all her own, and an elegant one at that.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Follow Up...

Holla all! How’s your day?! Mine is absolutely fantastic… and oh like I promise several post ago (remember my deodorant post?) So here’s the follow up… It’s true! I keep pay attention to my underarm and it’s still as white as before. I don’t want to make a big deal about it, but aren’t we girl will be happy when our skin are healthy and clean? I know I am!

After 7 days using rexona whitening lighter in 7 days I could really say that it somehow boost up my confidence, I don’t care how hectic and how busy my I am, I will always sure that I will still stay smell good and no worry about skin change at all! Because the thought of using something that might change my skin are so scary!

Since that day now I have new habit, I now always carrying rexona  whitening lighter in 7 days on my bag whenever I go, so when I think I sweat more than usual I can just go the nearest rest room spray it and I will be good, hehehe. And because I know most of my readers are girls my age ( or older?) I really suggest you to try it too, give it a try like I do, for like… 7 days and you’ll see the different. Please share me your experience too, would love to know… I will be more than happy to know that there are people out there who have the same experience.  You can always tweet me at @evitanuh ;)

Not So Roman Holiday

More post! Hehehe awesome right? knowing how I often neglect and barely post anything for months this must be some record for me, I still have no idea how all dedicated blogger out there manage to make post almost everyday, I bet they've got remote to freeze time or magic wand, because it almost impossible for me, so yes I think I deserve a pat in back for my effort.  But sadly maybe some people think I may not deserve that... hehehe yes... got numerous emails and messages complaint that even tho' I update my blog but I don't wrote like I used to ( which is long post... contain all my ramblings) I'm super sorry, but really I don't have any story to tell right now (except you want to hear my boring schedules, study study study, private lesson and more private lesson and please add more exams, exams exams to that and there you go you have the story of my life for this month hehehe, tragic right? ) ... and really I have no idea that many of you enjoy reading my endless rambling and bla bla bla's and I really really flattered. But I promise next post you will have my usual long post. 

For now I still don't have all the time in the world in my hand and sadly haven't got time to take a proper outfit photos too, but I've got some picture for you. This is from my last holiday, me and my cousins take a super short trips and having so much fun there. I actually don't really like posting a holiday pictures in my blog, but this is to make it up to you guys for lack of photos on my blog recently. So yeah I dig this pictures up from everywhere, my sister's camera, my camera, and even from my smartphone hehehe and mixed up all together. Here you go! ( and oh yes, I just realised I don't smile in most of the photos, actually I do have thousand smiling photos but I look like baby walrus with giant teeth in all of it... so yeah I guess this cold stone look really suits me the best... hahaha) 

And by the way I'm still on that Rexona whitening lighter 7 days challenge and so far I can say I'm impress by the result. I got no irritation or any rash on my underarm and now I can't go anywhere without caring it around in my bag ( if you not know yet, I'm a really conscious about hygiene and all so it's calming me knowing I do not need to be afraid that I might smell funny ) so I always carry things that can make myself away from being insecure and have a nerve wrecking day. Here's some of things I packed in my bag. And by the way I'm quite curious are other girl ( or boys) having the same problems? Do you also got things that you need to carry everyday? 

Need to get back to study like NOW, so Hasta La Vista Baby!