Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Latest Women's Wear Design Work

Smock woman, looking for the latest model is obliged also to your attention. Because the appearance turned out to influence your work performance, especially for those who work in the field of marketing. But not only that. So, in addition to a smart brain and work discipline, attractive appearance is one of the criteria that must be met for you who work in an office. For those of you who do not work in an office, work clothes may not really necessary, because you are more free and unbound, but not everyone was working in an office, so you should know. Especially for those just graduating from college or high school and went to work, the criteria for good work clothes a woman should know. Let's read more.
Clothes neat and formal With a neat and formal dress, you will no longer be underestimated. You have to remember the first impression, or the first impression when someone meet new people is how physical appearance, it includes how you select and use work clothes. This applies not only to the actual office lady, but also for men who work in an office.
Model blazer The first model that is fairly common even abroad for female employees working in an office that is a model clothes blazer. This model is a model that has been frequently used by women and other office workers. Model of a blazer if you look at the models cardigan, there's just one kind alone, but there is more than one type, it can even be considered quite a lot as well. Generally, for those who work in an institution - BANK instance, they combine a blazer plus shirt. The combination of both types of formal wear will make a woman look very formal workers, and also the most vital of course that is unsightly, especially by the customer or the client company or BANK where female employees are working.
Blazer has several kinds of models to choose from. The women who work in an office can choose which if it were suited to the taste. If confused, you can choose the model work clothes blazer women are quite popular and often used, but may be weaknesses if you use the same model, you will not look unique, but more in the general direction. When in fact still quite a lot of design formal blazer for the office work for a woman who is quite unique. Some examples blazer that can be alternative choices of the models without buttons blazer, blazer collar crossed, buttoned blazer, and many more kinds of blazer that you can choose. The color of the blazer for female office employees are also not just black only, but more than that. You can also choose the color of the jacket to be used that are most relevant to your tastes, then you can combine it with a tank top or shirt that you use. Model dress shirt female labor For those who want work clothes simple and not too much trouble, then do not choose a model blazer but choose the model of the shirt. This includes the type of work clothes simple model that you can make a choice. Choose a dress shirt that is fitted on the model and size of your body, so it does not look odd and still look fashionable even when you're working. A few articles on the latest woman's smock design, fashion greetings.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Men's Shirts New Style Models 2016, 2017

Model newest style men's shirt style: Reviews of the fashion world was as if it never stops, it's because everyday we need fashion to exist. Fashion takes good for socializing as well as for the professional world, ie the world of work. You can not fail to wear, even when swimming else you have to use swimwear for ladies and swimming trunks for men. But now we will not discuss about that, but about the man's shirt. Men's shirts is related to the world of work, where when you work you have to look formal. In addition to the world of work, men's shirts are also suitable for the event is formal or non-formal. Let's read more. Changes in models of men's shirts
From time to time it is the latest models of men's shirts are always out continuously. So if you do not want outdated and still want to look stylish, then you should follow the latest styles. Although it outlines the model is almost the same. Therefore, we use the assumption of 2 years. So the model of shirt you purchase can be used for at least 2 years. You must already know when the price of men's shirts are not cheap, let alone that have the brand, and also the use of quality materials in its manufacture, which is not easy to heat. But if you use a model of a shirt that is too old-fashioned, then you will look odd and less suitable. Similarly, in the world of work, might later all eyes are upon you, not interested but because the dress shirts that you use outdated, thus making you seem strange. Formal models long-sleeved shirt for work
To work, it may be a more suitable color shirt you are using is that neutral colors and smooth complexion. You can also use a patterned shirt, but do that using strict lines. Choose a shirt that coraknya unnoticeable. Because it used to work, and you should look neat and clean. Model semi-formal short-sleeve shirt to hang
If you are hanging out with friends, or ground coffee, maybe a shirt can be your choice. But it is recommended you do not use a model that is very formal, especially work shirt, but the shirt more casual use. Characteristics that use the short sleeves. By using a short-sleeved shirt, you will not feel the heat, especially if nongkrongnya not in the mall, but at a roadside café. For patterns and colors, there is no special requirement, since this is more free. But you can choose a color and style that is a little dark and sharp, not a problem. Adjust to your taste on models shirt. modern Model
Now there is also a modern model for a men's shirt. This model is no suitable for formal events and when it works, there is a match to go to a formal and semi-formal, and there is also a modern men's shirts are suitable for use when hanging out with friends. Color matched to modern models are dark in color. Usually shirt also has a front pouch, and suitable for use alongside modern men's suits. You'll look really like a man of today and masculine when using modern long sleeve shirt for men. A few articles on the latest styles of men's shirts models 2016, 2017.

6 Important Part In Shirts

One of the most important garments for men are shirts. Regardless whether it is a long-sleeved shirt or short, this one thing I am sure there are most commonly found in men's wardrobe. For the office or formal events we certainly wear the shirt, even for casual events we were able to wear the shirt. Because of that, so there is no harm if we know a few things about the shirt. In the past I was also not so concerned with the shirt, as long as it looks good on my body when tried in a department store, then I will buy it. But it turns out there are various types of shirts, parts and functions. Type Shirts A. Formal Shirts / Dress Shirt As the name implies, this shirt in wear for formal occasions or formal. Formal shirt designed for wearing with a jacket / blazer and tie, but can also wear without both. This shirt has a different piece when compared with a casual shirt. B. Casual Shirt / Casual Shirt As well as any material or coraknya, if the shirt has short sleeves mean the kind of casual shirt. This shirt is designed for wearing with no neck in buttoned, and look odd if wearing a tie. Part Shirts Broadly speaking, the parts of the shirt that needs to know is as you can see in the picture below, although there are other detail parts. 1. collar / Collar Part of this one is the most important of the shirt, there are various types of lapel / collar like a button down collar, pointed collar, spread collar, pin and collar tabs and others. Each type collar / collar determines the level of formality of an event and also adjusted to the shape of the face.
2. Arm As I said above, if it means short-sleeved shirt in casual wear for the event. Although each is not necessarily a long-sleeved shirt for a formal event. In choosing a shirt, quite difficult to find shirts with sleeves that fit with our size, especially long-sleeve shirt. 3. Cuff Although it is small, part of this one is very important. In addition to the collar, cuff is one part that is visible when we wear a coat / jacket to go to the official event or formal. Longer cuff size should be about 1-1.5 inches of coat / jacket you. There are several models cuff that you can try, ranging from standard or other variations. 4. placket Most formal and casual shirt has a section on this one. As can be seen in the figure, is located on the left placket front with buttons there are some holes that line up vertically. 5. Yoke Yoke is part of the shirt in the form of material that connects the front and back of the shirt, it is also to cover our shoulder bone. There are two models of the yoke, which is one-piece and two-piece yoke yoke. Formal shirt typically use one-piece yoke.
6. Pleat As we know, a man's back is not flat. Therefore many shirts in the back with pleat design that serves to adjust the posture of our backs. There are 2 kinds of pleat you can find, the box pleat and side pleat. But many shirts were designed without pleat. There are still other, more detailed parts of a shirt. Indeed it seems confusing, but at least you have to pay attention to the important part-6 over when they wanted to buy a shirt. Oiya there is good news for you, we're setting up a premium ebook that will address the complete all about male fashion, and one part of the shirt material is discussed in detail.

Choosing a Hair Style Is Right

In terms of appearance, clothes and shoes are good is not enough. Style / haircut is also a major factor that come complete assessment against your people, especially women. Have you ever seen someone who totally change her hair style and look so different? Yes this is true, style / model of our hair is very important. But many men are forgetting something that grows on their heads. We do not like women who care about and care for their hair. There is a saying that "Hair is the crown of a woman". Actually I do not agree, because the hair is also the crown of men. Determining a suitable hair style is not easy, because it will change someone's appearance whether for the better or worse. Many have asked for advice to my hair style for them. I am not a hair stylist, so do not know what style suits you. But here I will give you some steps in choosing a hair style that suits you: 1. Identify Characteristics - Physical Characteristics You I mean you have to know how the shape of your head, characteristic - facial characteristics, texture and thickness of your hair. It is very important to get the hair style that fits you. Not all style / hair model you can apply to your head. Many men simply follow the hair style that is currently the trend, popular actor or style of their idol. It is not a problem, but I do not guarantee women will glance at you. I remember when I was in college before, when it was famous movie Meteor Garden F4. Many men who imitate the hair style heroine, Tao Ming Tse. Even my own friends were also followed, let long hair rebonding later on, when the texture of curly hair. Of course, this would seem strange, if not after the head shape and texture of your hair. 2. Determine Hair Style You Want Once you identify the characteristics of the head and hair, specify the changes and what kind of hair style can make you confident and look attractive. You can ask your friends or family, especially women. Wondering if the hair style that fits the head shape and texture of your hair. But be careful, their advice will be a good hair style as they see fit on others, not necessarily on you. Additionally you can imitate celebrity hair style of their photos in magazines or the internet. But remember, just imitate celebrities who have facial structure, head shape, hair texture and thickness are similar to yours. Or maybe you can shave off your hair (bald) if it matches the shape of your head. Some women like bald men, because they think looks sexy. If you do not know who the celebrities who have the head shape and hair texture similar to you, you can visit this website: Men's Hair Style There are hundreds of hair style that you can emulate. Choose the one that you like but the head shape and hair texture same to you. 3. Ask for Help A Hair Stylist / Expert If one of your goals is to want to appear attractive and confident around women, this is a simple thing you can do. After learning style as what you want, the next is to seek advice and assistance from a hair stylist / hairdresser. Ask friends who have interesting hair style in which the hair stylists subscription. Take cuttings or photo print job that you want to emulate a celebrity style hair. Then ask your hair stylist whether the model is suitable for you. Or you can try a demo of the software hair style following: Virtual Haircut This software is quite interesting, although the demo version is limited to only a few styles. If you sign up for a membership, you can insert your own photo. 4. Try and Dare to Take Risks After searching and consult about your hair style, it is time to experiment and try out. Go to the salon and cut your hair as desired. Each salon surely there is also a hair stylist as mentioned above. Most men are reluctant to salon for fear of being labeled metro sexual guy or gay. Do not be ashamed to go to a salon. My advice to go to the salon the best, no matter if it is a bit expensive. If you have obtained a suitable hair style, photograph and print your new appearance. Next you only need to maintain it at a later date at the salon or barber usual. 5. Ask for Feedback and Suggestions And Keep Trying Ask for input to family and friends if you are a good hair style and make it look more attractive appearance? Have them compare with your previous appearance. Keep experimenting with your hair in order to get the best style, you can wear gel or wax. Follow these five steps to get the best hair style for you. If you are getting bored with the style, try to repeat these steps to try other styles.

Tips for Choosing Colors Clothing

At that time, I was with my friends go to a center of the crowd to watch the final match of League football Champions.Yang caught my attention is the person who is wearing clothes with the colors do not match, collide. Perhaps many people do not think about the suitability of the color selection of clothes. They assume that they can charge any color as long as they like, comfortable and looks good to them. Of course this is not wrong. But in terms of interaction, we must also consider aspects of the judgment of others. One thing that is most important in a dress is the color selection right clothes, but it is not only simple to create colors throughout superiors, subordinates or other parts. We must know what the appropriate color combination with one another. For the adept in this matter, we must know the basic science of color. Actually, we never gain this knowledge when we are still in elementary school, in the subject of art. I myself though not good at drawing, but I like when learning about colors and mixing. But for those of you who are less interested in learning and recall, here are some tips easy in choosing colors of clothing: Do not use more than three colors of clothing. As already described in my previous article (men's fashion tips), this is the most important rule. Wear the right colors to your skin. If your skin is dark, wear the colors - bright colors such as white, beige, gray or baby blue. For white skin, the choice of colors that can be used more. You can wear soft colors or pastel. Do not wear pants with bright colors. Such as red, yellow or orange. Wear neutral colors or dark. Avoid also combines gray with bright colors like yellow. Adjust the color of clothing with time and place. Dark colors for formal events. While bright colors for informal events. Wear a belt with the same color as the shoe. If your shoes are black, wear black belt. So before you go out and want to look nice, first consider the six tips on choosing colors of clothing on top.

Creating First Impressions The Enchanting

When was the last time you meet new people and is there any among them that interests you? Then how is your impression of that person? I'm sure you can judge his personality even though only some of the performances. Yes, that's how great and important first impression. Whenever we meet new people, they create an impression to us in just a few moments. Without them speak or perform any action, our brain can guess their personality. Grooming and the way you dress is the main thing in creating a first impression for others. The way you present yourself will speak volumes about who you are, even before you open your mouth. The question is, what impression you want to show to others, especially women? Research shows that women only takes 3-10 seconds to give their opinions about the new person in temuinya based on what he saw. So when you meet a woman in a hangout, mall or club, you only have a little time to impress to you. If he already has a good impression on you, of course it will be easier for you if you want to approach and get acquainted. Beautiful and attractive women are usually the most adept in assessing the man, because almost every day they were approached by men. But since it is impossible to serve all men who approached him, they adapted the process of selecting men based on the first impression created man. This beautiful and attractive ladies have standards, looks like anything that they want to talk to the man who approached him. The men who did not show a good first impression, then it is definitely going departure.? Yes, the first impression will be how to dress and grooming of men. But the problem is, most ordinary-looking man. They just want to find a safe and want to give a good impression to everyone.? They do not want to look flashy, but it looks boring. Naturally, we want to attract women who have the same rating with us for something. I think the phrase that reads "difference creates interest" is incomplete. Differences create interest only if we vote against something and yet we have but in others. For example, insecure woman will be attracted to men who are secure, because these women also want to become more confident and comfortable with him, and he found it in the man himself. So the main thing you need to know first how value / value you? Find out what you like, what you hate, your character now and also the character that you want to have. Start created to become the person you want. Others will be attracted to you if have the same value. For example, if you love rock music and are also interested in a woman who likes rock, then you have to show your love of rock music. If you want to attract women dressed elegant and classy, ​​you also have to appear equal. Grooming Tips Grooming is the most important thing in creating a first impression. Make no mistake, ladies also like a man who can take care of themselves. So haircut that suits your face shape, trim your mustache and beard, cut your nails, pay attention to dental hygiene, and also wear the best perfumes. Start to fix all that you can do to increase the attractiveness of your. Learning from other people that you think are interesting. Women will judge what you wear, grooming and hygiene you to further assess your overall. I'm sure you want to lure beautiful women are attractive and fascinating all day. But to lure them, you should look on par with them. Unless you do not like them, you may ignore this article. So guys, start to learn to create the best first impression you can and want.

Choosing Clothes To Suit Your Body

We all already know, one way to look good is to wear the right clothes. Unfortunately, many men who have difficulty determining the clothes that fit a certain body shape mereka.Terdapat clothes for different body types. For that in this article I will give you tips in clothes that can get around the shape of your body in order to appear more attractive. 1. Tall and Skinny Wear clothing made from thick - If you are tall and thin, wearing clothes made from thick can make your body look more proportional as such give extra weight to your body. Wear brightly colored clothing - Bright colors can give the impression of shows on your body. Choose bright colors such as khaki or gray. Do not wear dark colors or clothing with a pattern of vertical lines, because it will make you look taller and thinner. Pay attention to other details or accessories - If wearing a jacket, do not choose that reaches the waist down and mengancingkannya up to the top. Avoid wearing tie slim models. Wear pants rather wide - To get around so as not to look thinner, wear trousers rather wide, not a model slim fit. If wearing jeans, using the model of the lower cut. 2. Grease or stature Large Wear clothing made from lightweight - Male obese or large should wear clothes made of light that can make it look slimmer. Wear dark colors - Dark colors can give the effect / illusion streamline your body. Wear colored superiors and subordinates alike. Avoid brightly colored clothing and shiny, as it will focus people's attention to your body. Say NO to the shirt or shirt with padding / shoulder pads. Do not roll up sleeve T-shirt - If you do not want to look like a bouncer, you do not ever do it. Wear a large-sized clock - watches are bulky and brawny can give a slimming effect of your hand. Do not wear jeans too tight or too wide - Should select the type of classic jeans with straight pipe models 3. Short stature Wear clothing line pattern vertical - vertical stripe motif is a great way to give the illusion that your body look taller. Avoid clothes with the following pattern - Houndstooth, herringbone, glen check urquhart, and windowpane check. Because these patterns will reinforce your body is short. Wear long-sleeved shirts or shirts that are not too loose - With this you will look taller. Wear pants that the size fits your body - not too long or too ngatung Wear long pants / jeans low rise and straight leg - model these pants make you look taller. If you are tall and big or short stature and thin, you can combine these tips above to get the results you want to appear attractive.

10 Essential Apparel For Students

Whether you have just completed 9 years of compulsory education and entering the world of new lectures or already a student, we know that the student be different with only a high school student. As a student, you're the one who chose the clothes, you who are fully responsible for the appearance of yourself. No more school uniforms or clothing that is selected and prepared your parents, as you're a grown man. So now is the time you dismantle your closet, throw oversize clothes and began to build a wardrobe for a man! Jeans You can never go wrong with jeans. But I do not mean just any jeans. Buy jeans with the right fit and made from Raw. Why? Because college is a time before the world of work where you can use Jeans nearly every day, throughout the semester, for 4-5 years. So buy Selvaged Raw Denim Jeans, not anything expensive because you will use up to 10 years. Yes, 10 years! Even when you will already work. And boy, does Raw Jeans aged well in College. White T-Shirt Let's be honest, who does not like a T-Shirt? Live use, BAM immediately left for college. But not just any T-Shirt, use Plain White T-Shirt, do not use T-shirts that read and bersablon, let alone (God forbid) the committee shirts, pajamas make so alone. Back on track, why T-Shirt White? T-Shirt because it fits with all the other clothes. Suitable for newly started studying the art of Mix Match colors. Varsity Jacket No, Varsity Jacket high school you did not belong to this category. Avoid Jacket that has writing on the back. Search Varsity Jacket plain and matched with other clothes. Sneakers Converse one of my recommendations. Besides being very strong and durable, shoes Reviews These age well. Keliatannya using that increasingly more saucy. Nike and Vans Sneakers also issued some simple and nice. DO wear shoes futsal, it belongs on the field. Chino Sometimes in college you are required to not jeans, such as hearing or meeting with professors. Instead of using your father's pants derived ingredients, better use colored Chino Navy Blue. Oxford shirt No, once again do not use derivatives shirt of your father, because almost certainly the size of your clothes are different. Shrink, or buy a white shirt or light blue Oxford simple. Suitable for use with Jeans and Chino that you already have, and are suitable for formal dress with a tie or casual with the sleeves rolled up. Sweatshirt / Sweater Instead of using Hoodie greatness, better use Sweatshirt or better known as the Sweater. Search newfangled Crewneck and Slim-Fit. You can use it with T-Shirt or Oxford shirt to look more tidy. Loafer For more formal moments where Sneakers are not enough, use a pair of penny Loafers. Suitable for use with Jeans, Jackets Chinos or even when wisudaan later. Easy to use without using a rope, these shoes are also quite formal for events attended by students. Cardigan Such as fusion Sweater and Jacket, Cardigan is very versatile, it can be used almost anytime. Can be used with T-shirt, shirt and blazer look cool behind. The trick is not to keliahatan are like grandmothers and grandfathers. Find pieces that fit, not too big and not too tight. Navy Blazer Navy Blazer in Indonesia is very underrated, people prefer to use a jacket / black blazer that was clearly used for Nightlife or funeral. Moreover, most students (again) using a derivative of his father. Be, Blazer given a bad name. Use Blazer fitting, if you can save money to buy Blazer at the famous tailor in your area. Range around 600rb-1,2jt; Blazer but believe this will be a long term investment that is very valuable. So that's 10 essential clothing for students, but do not worry if all of the circumstantial purchased list, the name is also a student. But remember, where there is a will there is a way, there are many ways to earn extra money for investment wardbrobe yours. And trust yourself in 5-10 years to come must be very grateful because you have to set aside money to invest in your appearance from the student level.

Some Mistakes Dressed Men

As an active and qualified man who seems to have become a liability to pay attention to appearances. At least for the first impression to others, we can be more assured and confident when meeting. Most men do not like women who love grooming, preening, and shopping. They fear in said keganjenan, gay, guy or whatever metropolis. They want a simple and show what it is. I think that is the cause why many men are still problematic in fashion.Anda affairs should not be afraid with all the negative assessment, as long as you are dressed appropriately, casual and not excessive surely you will get special attention. Women are also highly respect the appearance of men do. Unmitigated they also often discusses the appearance of the man they had met while they hung out in cafes, malls or other public area. In general, women also like men who are clean, look fashionable and good at socializing. You will only want a woman to dream if you own fashionable but seemed unorganized / problematic in clothes. So, if you want to buy a dress or other clothing, please ask the women in your life to give good advice of what clothes to you. Because in general women understand better than men in the fashion business. Here are some mistakes to dress (fashion mistake) man: 1. Clothing oversized / loose and do not fit in the body Loose clothing / greatness is only suitable in use at home to relax. Do you use when traveling to an official place, hangout, cafe etc. Except if you wanted to look like a scarecrow. 2. A tie with short sleeves It would be better if you wear a tie with long sleeves. Tie with short sleeves look like the lower class, or rocker who want the concert. 3. Dirty shoes Did you know that women are very sensitive to the cleanliness and tidiness? They will know you are clean or not quickly just by looking at your shoes. Make sure your shoes shiny clean before leaving the house. 4. Shoes furrowed Try to have a few pairs of shoes for running your activities. Shoes wrinkled as a result of your shoes are often used without a break. At least if you have a few pair of shoes, the shoes will be durable and long lasting. 5. Pants extension Pants which stands up to touch the ground and dragging, it's good to cut. Or if it is not time to fold the extension portion. 6. Selection of the wrong color socks Equalized color you wear socks with the color of your pants, not the shoes. It will look better and harmonious. 7. Selection of color belt / belt / belts Equalized color of belt you wear the shoe color. If you are a shiny belt, make sure your shoes are too shiny. 8. Clothes-breasted, with all the buttons closed Obviously if you do this, you will see a closed psychological terms. Make sure there is at least one open buttons of all the buttons. Unless you are wearing a tie. 9. Socks are not long enough You do not want all your legs look instead? Especially when you sit cross-legged. Ensure that your calf-high socks. Do less. 10. Clothes matted Not that you have to bring the board wherever you go. Try when you buy clothes, the clothes do not crease.

5 Ways To Barbers Understand Your Desire

Are you one of those people who often experience remorse after coming out of a barbershop? Do you often blame the barber if the result is not satisfactory? Have you ever realized that the 100% regret not mistake the barber? Then one of whom? Did you know that most men regret after getting out of the barbershop fault of their own, not in detail describe the desired hairstyle. Most men just resigned, grumbling behind and swearing to the barber, after knowing the results did not match expectations. Know that barbers / barber is human. Not a psychic who understands your heart's content without speech. Calculated only by issuing a final sentence like "tipisin side, mas" or "pendekin above, ya" then the result will resemble David Beckham's latest hairstyle? If you want to give different results, change the way you communicate to the barber.
Here are 5 ways to barber understand your desire. 1. Describe in detail Communicate beginning with good hair style you want. The phrase "like usually aja bang!" Did not help. Although the barber is familiar and acquainted with you, most will forget your last hair style. Customers are not the least, let alone the barber categorized as favorites and have many customers subscriptions. Question stale "fitting kira2 how ya mas / ya?" Was also less helpful. Although it certainly would be answered the barber, but not necessarily in accordance with your wishes. As a result, the barber will provide a safe action, which is an important customer so clean and tidy. By conveying in detail, at least the barber / barber have some idea of ​​what you want, then will be clarified after the process of trimming your hair. Expand the word about what you want, not a word you do not want. If you ever read the book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne certainly understand. That humans respond to the words spoken. The words "do not cut that part .." "Do not tipisin part of it .." instead end part that is executed. Hmmm, once the incident? Avoid using the word "do not .." replace it with the phrase "I'll help ditipisin part of it .." "I'll help cut that part .." and so on. 2. Take the example image This is another step if you are difficult to express what you mean to the barber / barber. 3-5 Provide photo / picture you want with the same model. Even better if the picture from different sides of the front, rear and upper side. Sample images can be taken from the Internet, magazines, and other media socmed. You can print, or directly through the gadget show. But usually barbershop also have sample drawings or catalog haircut. If this is the catalog that they have a better and feel fit with what they want, no matter you use the picture. It's just unfortunately if there is a catalog that was not updated. Trend hair model is outdated. Then, with a sample image itself, it will be more secure. You have a backup plan in this regard. 3. Start small conversation Barbershop is one of the places for social interaction. Already thousands of years ago, this place is one of the popular for exchanging information, storytelling, discussing interesting issues and activities of other interactions. Then, open a small conversation with the barber. This conversation is meant to make the atmosphere warm and liquid. Make the barber and you become more relaxed. It also can build keakrababan, and give some idea of ​​your background. If the barber / barber knows a little of your background, what activities and your job, he can know and can adjust the style of the pieces with your daily environment. But also to avoid excessive conversation like laughing and a lot of moves, to distract the barber. 4. Focus watch the process It is also very important. Quite often many do not focus on observing the process. When the barber action, we actually busy along with gadgets, read a magazine, or even fall asleep. Do not hesitate for a little bit directs the barber if the pieces do not fit the desired start. If it is nothing less and lump in the heart of the process, stop immediately. No need to fear and not good for the somewhat captious, even if they were afraid of disappointing results later cut. Barbershop competition in the world is quite tight. Each barber must have tried hard to ensure that the results are satisfactory, so that customers will come back. But you also need to be realistic, that what you want will not be 100% the same as the example image or catalogs. Because the hair type and face shape you can be influential. 5. Give feedback Want you satisfied or not, it could still provide feedback or input and suggestions. If it is not satisfied and feel less, just say thank you and not have to come anymore. But if you are satisfied with the results of the pieces, give a little praise or, if necessary, give some tips / additional money. By doing so, the barber will feel their work is appreciated. So, if you still have not found the ideal place for upgrade hairstyle, keep experimenting with 5 tips for a haircut above. Keep looking, try barbershop and the barber who you feel is appropriate and comfortable. Because if it is suitable and comfortable, definitely the result will be satisfactory. It's important to look for and barber barbershop favorites. If the tailor / seamstress can provide clothes that fit, as well as a barber. Entrust your hairstyle to the person you feel is appropriate and comfortable.

Style Inspiration - The Office Hour

This is the newest category of this web. To answer a few questions from the loyal readers who may still confused with "What can I wear?" Especially when your office. This is a rather simple style. But simply provide the difference if you wear it. If you already have some classic clothes as my colleague Que written yesterday, you just add a cardigan alone. You skinny? I recommend to use this style. Breakdown of Apparel
From Top Left to Right Silk Tie. V-Neck Cardigan Purple White shirt Black pants Material Socks Black Oxford Leather Shoes Stainless hours Black Belt 5 days a week do you work at the office. Communication and interaction you certainly more in this place. Inventasi not hurt you a bit of your salary to your clothing. So, stay tune still continue in Because maybe Style Inspiration Series will continue. With various combinations and appropriate course of events.

Style Inspiration - The Red Flannel

After styling inspiration # 1 with the theme somewhat semi-formal, now we will try to more casual. This style is quite simple and easy to follow. Indonesia's tropical climate, is very supportive of this style. Perhaps you have seen this style, but mostly use the T-shirt. Now, you can experiment with using the basic V-Neck. A flannel shirt is a shirt that is easily obtained. This shirt is always giving you the impression that casual. Lecture, hangout, or casual dating can use this style.
Breakdown of Apparel From Top Left to Right Basic V-Neck T-Shirt gray color bright Garnier Red Flannel Shirt United Inv Patrick Blood Skinny Jeans Socks Black Citizen Men's Eco-Drive Canvas Watch

Style Inspiration - The Twill Coat

Style It may rarely men wear. But if you want to create attention and different from most men would not hurt to use. This style is suitable for those who often do semi-formal activities. When the weather is rainy or cold, this style might help you to still look attractive.
From Top Left to Right Burberry London Twill Trench Coat Loro Piana Silk and Cashmere-Blend V-Neck Sweater Black Fox Producer Formal Pant Socks Black Levitt II Long Sleeve Shirt Church's New York Leather Brogues Image by Mr. Porter & FP Store

Inspiration-Hawaiian Style Printed Shirt

Printed Shirt many emerging back and so the latest trends, a variety of patterns and colors also offered by many fashion designers / manufacturers of clothing outside and within the country. Hawaiian motif was brisk in the market of printed shirts. Usually hawaiian motif / motif beach is inclined with palm trees, flowers to smell things beach. With bright colors and colorful printed hawaiian shirt makes it unique and interesting. Do not have to go to the beach to wear Hawaiian shirts printed, there are some #STyleIdea to memadupadankanya. Here we go! ->
Breakdown of apparell From top left to right: - Printed Hawaiian Shirt - Leather Biker Jacket - Dark Brown Classic Watch - Leather Rope Belt - Tortoise Eyewear - Brown Leather Brogues Boots What are you waiting for? fill your closet with a collection Printed Hawaiian Shirt and Be STYLISH!

What Can Appear Attractive With faded jeans?

Got a favorite torn jeans because with age or? Faded because often one wash? No need to worry, jeans faded or often called distressed jeans will likely always back into the trend, so a good store if you already have it. Remember the days when your college jeans wear uniforms like daily? Although no longer a college student, is fine to wear jeans to travel, even though faded. Well, here's where your expertise necessary mixing, matching clothes. Wearing faded blue jeans can cause a lot of output. Could be cool, be ragged perfunctory or be as if you deny the sake age want to look like a college student. Blending faded jeans that already slick will be broken, if the jeans are dirty and smell bad because you do not menambahakn quality detergent dosage instructions when washing it. Tips wearing faded blue jeans Yes: Just one item are faded - Just because your jeans faded does not mean boss, shoes, and other accessories necessary bandwagon faded. Combine the tops, shoes, belt, or hat is still good without a tear or color fading. Jeans make you the center of attention that day. Combine style in contrast - Pair jeans with clothing or other accessories that look neat or semi-formal. Choose a long sleeve shirt and a shirttail inserted neat. Wear a belt and semi-formal shoes. Try to combine with semi-formal suit for an afternoon or evening event. If wearing a blazer jacket, the lower end of the shirt can be left outside the trousers. Combine it with a plain or simple - Select simple plain or patterned tops so that the overall appearance is not too excited and the focus remains on the jeans. If possible, choose matching colors for bags, belts or shoes. Wear appropriately - Select the size of the jeans that fit, not too tight or extension until the heel stepped on. If your jeans deform or become permanently loose because of age, trying to flatten in artisan makeovers back jeans that fit the body size. No: Clothing boss also faded - Unless you want to look ragged as a whole, to avoid the boss rips faded filled with faded colors here and there. Motifs and colors too crowded - Jeans faded you are the main star of today, do not put the focus by wearing Hawaiian shirts or tops duplicate with different motifs and colors. Full accessories - Again, you faded jeans is your fashion statement these days, no longer need to be mixed, stirring with waist chains, baseball caps, leather jackets and shoelaces of different colors. Model sagging jeans - Jeans worn baggy pants drooping with partial peek at the waist instead focus blurs your appearance. After all this hard style like say cool. Care faded jeans Whether your jeans faded because of age or because you accidentally buy distressed models, one weakness is vulnerable to damage. In part that is torn, fabric fibers easily biodegradable. Not to mention the colors still fading. If the condition of jeans have been as expected, you certainly do not want to make it worse spilled. Here are three tips on caring for faded jeans: Because the material is relatively thick and stiff jeans, a washing machine will lighten your task. Select the appropriate setting on the washing machine and turning the jeans to prevent color fading. Use detergent quality, it would be better if you choose a special liquid detergent for washing machines. Choose the shortest wash cycle with regular water and winds jeans to dry. If you are determined to use the hand wash, use ordinary water and a mild detergent. Dub or brush lightly. If the stains, wash the part immediately. Do not wait until the next wash schedule. Congratulations cool style with faded jeans!