Beauty queen world event 'Miss Universe' is the most prestigious contest. Followed by beautiful women and achievers from around the world, making any state representative wants to win it. One of Indonesia, which has several times went on to become Miss Universe finalist.
Although never received the title of Miss Universe, but Indonesia's achievements should not be underestimated. One of them is the National clothes were always public attention. Well, here the portrait 10 Puteri Indonesia in the Miss Universe when wearing national dress from year to year are collected from various sources:
1. Putri Indonesia 2016, Kezia Warouw who will compete in the grand final of Miss Universe Jan. 30 will wear the eagle themed weighing approximately 20 kg.
Although never received the title of Miss Universe, but Indonesia's achievements should not be underestimated. One of them is the National clothes were always public attention. Well, here the portrait 10 Puteri Indonesia in the Miss Universe when wearing national dress from year to year are collected from various sources:
1. Putri Indonesia 2016, Kezia Warouw who will compete in the grand final of Miss Universe Jan. 30 will wear the eagle themed weighing approximately 20 kg.
2. Anindya Kusuma when Miss Universe 2015 with a bandage dress 'tuk tuk'.
3. Elvira Devinamira carve achievements as the best National Costume Miss Universe 2014 with a bandage dress themed 'The Chronicle of Borobudur.