It's been a while since my last visit with author, Alice Carey. She's been traveling back and forth from her home in Ireland working on the finishing touches to the Irish version of her book, I'll Know It When I See It. Alice is a wonderful storyteller. I love how she is able to reflect upon her past through wonderful descriptions of her style -- each piece of clothing tells a story. Check out Alice Carey's latest thoughts below:
At some point during this photo shoot with Ari, I looked down at my kilt and remembered wearing one a long time ago. There I am with my mother at CLEARYS, Dublin, buying a kilt quite like this one. Yet that kilt was a girl’s. This one is a man’s, complete with jacket that I bought at a Vintage Ireland Antique Fair.
My kilt was another reminder that I’m no longer a girl. Yet part of me is still a girl - plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. “The more it changes, the more it stays the same” - while the woman I am has drifted away from her.
In some ways we’re still the same. We both wear kilts. We both wear tweed jackets and sensible shoes. Even though I sometimes think about buying a pair of ‘manolos’, I stick with Doc Martin.
After Ari left, I walked along the river remembering that girl. There she is in a nice navy blazer and kilt striding along beside me. Isn’t she the cat’s meow! And here I am, an older woman, still I hope, the cat’s meow.