Happy holiday everybody!!!! ( If you can see me, you'll see that I'm screaming happy holiday with super big smile) and don't you think that Mr. weatherman being so nice to us lately? By the way my grades are fine, well it's not super good but acceptable hehehe. So how's your grades? Any fun plan for holiday? share me the details. Well my plan is quite modest actually, just go somewhere near and doing sleepover with friends, I've already have 3 sleepover so far and it's so fun.
And of course other thing that fun is, it's season sale everybody!!!! yihaaa!!! If you follow my Instagram you might know that I've been doing serious shopping, hehehe. And I've been so long want to share one of my favourite shopping place, as you know I already shared some of the online one and now it's time for the offline one. This is a place where I can literally spend hours and hours. I have some ground rules about shopping and one of them is... it has to feel homie, seriously... it's important. I love to being always in my comfort zone where I feel peace and at ease while shopping and this place I'm about to share do really feel like home. Other thing, I'm very practical. I don't have the time in the world to shop so I usually go to one store or two and spend hours there. I don't like rolling around in mall to one store and another just to go back to the first one, I find that too time consuming. So as a very practical person I also love one stop store, you know... a place that have pretty much everything I need and everything I like and even more crazy all the brand that I'm fond of. But the bad effect of course you'll ended want everything in it, hahaha. So without further ado I present you... heaven on earth... Rococo Store!
And of course other thing that fun is, it's season sale everybody!!!! yihaaa!!! If you follow my Instagram you might know that I've been doing serious shopping, hehehe. And I've been so long want to share one of my favourite shopping place, as you know I already shared some of the online one and now it's time for the offline one. This is a place where I can literally spend hours and hours. I have some ground rules about shopping and one of them is... it has to feel homie, seriously... it's important. I love to being always in my comfort zone where I feel peace and at ease while shopping and this place I'm about to share do really feel like home. Other thing, I'm very practical. I don't have the time in the world to shop so I usually go to one store or two and spend hours there. I don't like rolling around in mall to one store and another just to go back to the first one, I find that too time consuming. So as a very practical person I also love one stop store, you know... a place that have pretty much everything I need and everything I like and even more crazy all the brand that I'm fond of. But the bad effect of course you'll ended want everything in it, hahaha. So without further ado I present you... heaven on earth... Rococo Store!
Having lovely chat with kak Ditya the PR of Rococo
eenie meenie miney mo please tell me on which shoes I should go?
Here's the winner!!! hehehe Classic one right?
t-shirt : now I'm confuse, ysl? Saint Laurent? // Jacket : from Japan
// pants : Dorothy Perkins //

See I told you it's heaven, a homie heaven to be precise... it feels like you are shopping in your own walking closet. Rococo was actually always a place to go for my sister because back in time I don't have many option here and all I can do is drooling over whenever my sister bought shoes there. But it's an old story now, now that I'm a teenager I can finally have many option too here! Yippiee me!!! So for you a Jeffrey Campbell, Manolo, Cole Haan, Stuart (and many more) here's your perfect place!
And by the way, that day I got Jeffrey Campbell for myself, a very classic one! I've always known Jeffrey for their "standing out in the crowd looking" shoes ( the kind that my sister very fancy of) I do too, but perhaps this one is more age appropriate and suitable for me and now for next one I already asked kak Ditya to inform me whenever this baby available in the store. If you want the information or perhaps you want more info about discount or sale they have you can follow or mention Rococo at their twitter @ROCOCOSHOES

Don't worry baby, you will meet mommy soon...
So sometime ago I've asked my follower on instagram and twitter and Facebook on what theme should I make for the next post Batik or Tons of Shoes and I must say, I couldn't feel more proud of my reader because as tempting as seeing many of shoes the majority choose Batik. I can say it's likely 95% vote choose Batik. For me it's something beautiful that even we in technology and modern day we still have youth that hunger for traditional things. I always admire Japan for their unique blend of modern and technology with their value of traditional things. I was so happy that I shouldn't have to look far, that in here, my own country we also have the same vibe. Talking about batik it's hard for me to not mention about kak Iwet Ramadhan, the founder of TIKshirt, you see passion in his eyes when talking about batik, not just love he also know the history the beautiful story behind every piece. No wonder he loves batik tulis ( not printed) more than anything. Sometime ago in his radio show, they got this quiz about new entrepreneur in fashion industry and one of the contestant is using batik, I laugh a little and feel sorry for that contestant because she most likely will meet one the expert about batik I'm quite sure there will be a lot question for her and I got right. You can hear and how passionate kak Iwet asking question to that contestant, thank God she can passed it through.
I totally understand his admiration, for every piece of fabrics there's a sweat, song, tears and laughter of whoever made them. You wearing a particle of somebody soul when you wearing it, if it doesn't bring you this feeling of something deep I don't know what does.
When I'm wearing something I immediately impersonate something that I wear, I bring the soul. With batik tulis it's different story. They bring their own soul, I could feel mixed up feeling when wearing it. The scent of something old and traditional brings you this proud, sad, mad, happy feeling within you. Proud, because this is something our country have for so long time ago, that there's a ancient story that is so mysterious in every single form. Sad, because some people forgot all about the essence of batik, mad because even worse some people make this an excuse to fight with another country. This is a beautiful thing its suppose to give beautiful impact not war or arguments. Know the story, for every story is so enchanting, not fighting over. It's ours, its yours if you really the one who know it well. Happy, because I know there's people out there who still appreciate Batik. We need more people like kak Iwet for sure.
About the batik I'm wearing right know is a Truntum motif, which according to the source I've read it's about old love that blossomed again. It's a really beautiful story, to be honest, I'm quite scare I got the story wrong, for I know kak Iwet might read this.. hahaha, but here's I know... There is this queen in who always loved by a king, but one day the king lost his love for her because there's someone new. The queen feel sad and to fill her time she's start mem-batik (batik-ing?) Without she even realise she was making this small stars pattern in a black gloomy background. It was her form of loneliness and sadness. The king one day notice the queen and find that what queen doing is so interesting, slowly but sure from there the love that king have for the queen start to blossom and growing strong again. Beautiful right? I'm wondering right know, maybe the proud, sad, mad and happy feeling that I have probably the feeling from the queen? it's possible right? This is like a sad diary that is written with symbol right? and I'm wearing it right now.
So thank you kak Iwet for the beautiful gift, I love it so much.
As always I always love to playing around with fashion, here's I'm wearing Batik and Tenun but mixed it with west culture and I think it's work just fine right? hehehe here it is.
faux fur Dorothy Perkins // Truntum Batik Dress : TIKprivè by TIKshirt //
Necklace : Aksesorina // Gloves : Furla , Marks&Spencer //
Shoes : Jeffrey Campbell got from Rococo Store
After Batik I think it's not fair if I doesnt add tenun to this post, as you can see I'm wearing tenun as tops from Dhievine and even the clutch is made from tenun Endek which a traditional fabric from Bali given to me by Manikan. this beautiful pattern takes month to made. Beautiful pattern, again I'm so proud that we are so rich with history and beautiful culture. My next project for this holiday is to learn more about tenun, because I'm sure every pattern also have story, a beautiful one, I believe.
necklace : aksesorina // tenun dress worn as top : Dhievine //
skirt : 7 0'clock couture // Tenun envelope clutch : Manikan //
Shoes : (Jeffrey Campbell) Rococo Store
Kisses and Hugs! everybody! Have a nice holiday!
PS : Almost forgot! I got quite big news for you... start from July edition I will have regular article on Go girl! Magazine, so yes, it will start July to every month, I will share it more properly in my next post!
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