Friday 27 January 2017

15 beautiful photos of children and mothers cute outfit twinning

Girls are generally close to his mother. A father often less able to care for the child as the mother. Prepare healthy foods, wash carefully, keeping when sleeping, also pick out clothes, normally done by the mother.
Girls have a closeness with her mother because as a fellow woman. Once in a while the mother is also able to joke with his daughter. In addition, the mother also had a big role in her dress to look beautiful.
Well here are some photos of mothers and children dressed twins:


Beautiful and Elegant, Kimono Transformed Into Modern Wedding Dresses

You must have been not familiar dong with traditional Japanese clothing commonly called kimono. Yup, kimono used for important events and ceremonies in Japan. One of them is the concept of traditional Japanese wedding.
Eits, but it turns kimono fabric can also be converted into a modern wedding dresses, guys! Without prejudice to its traditional pattern, is her 10 wedding dress kimono :
1. Here you know the changes.
 2. Fixed look pretty right.
 3. Japanese-style pattern remains visible.
 4. Purple can also be the color of choice.
 5. The back like this.
 6. It's very elegant.

10 Kate Middleton Style Fashion in 2016, Simple but Elegant

Who does not know The Dutchess of British royal Kate Middleton. In addition to beautiful, the wife of Prince Williams is also known as someone who always looks elegant.
His success is not separated from the style of dress Kate Middleton. He always had a way to look attractive in a variety of occasions. In fact, if observed, the variety of clothing often worn 34 year old woman is deceptively simple.
Well, some observers say that this year became one of the year's success in the fashion world Kate. He appeared as a fashion trendsetter and icon of style many women in the world.
Like what she looks like? Here are the photos as reports from pages Mirror.
1. Kate during a visit to Canada, wearing a beautiful dress from Alexander McQueen.
2. Display fresh style dress Kate with Barbara Casasola.
 3. Pretty simple yet elegant in a blue polka-dot dress.
 4. Kate when the red carpet premiere of the film A STREET CAT NAMED BOB.
 5. Dress-style white lace Dolce & Gabbana branded Kate.
 6. Pattern on Kate's dress also makes it look more elegant.
 7. Style fashion Kate Middleton during a visit to India.
8. Together with Prince Williams during a visit to Bhutan.
 9. Shown chic with a dress from Banana Republic.
 10. Kate while watching Wimbledon.

10 beauty trend that should be 'extinct' in 2017

As with fashion, beauty trends are also changing. That's why, every year there are so many list beauty trends that have emerged and become a reference for women.
This year alone, there are some trends from the start unicorn eyeliner, nail art with shape succulent up hair color that looks like a watermelon. The trend could have returned happening next year, but should indeed extinct and no longer be a reference.
Well, the beauty trend that should be extinct and had to be abandoned in 2017 what the hell wrote? Here we gather with friends from Mashable.
1. Unicorn eyeliner.
 2. Coloured freckles.
3. Succulent nail art.
 4. Rose gold iPhone hair.
5. Unicorn horns.
6. Watermelon hair.
 7. Pompom nails.
 8. Galaxy hair.
 9. Furry nails.
 10. Dickliner.

Get ready ladies, 10 fashion styles are predicted to be famous in 2017

2017 There are many things predicted would be a new trend, including the world of fashion.
Although allegedly had not changed much from the previous year, but still there will be a new style which helped to enliven the fashion world for 2017. One might fall back is the fashion style of the '80s.
Well here 10 fashion style that is predicted to be well-known in 2017:
1. Statement Sleeves.
Statement Sleeves is a fashion style that never famous1500s in France. Vintage style like this can be replicated with models wearing frilly sleeves.
2. Pajama Chic.
 Trends combines pajama outfit like this already popularized by the Kardashian family and Hadid. And it seems like this fashion style will be back ngehits in 2017. In addition to pajamas, you can also combine your clothes lingerie for outdoor material.
3. Item fancy by Pinterest.
A wide variety of accessories the DIY (Do It Yourself) started many bermuncul in social media like Pinterest. Accessories such as pins, brooches, and stickers predicted to be the burst in 2017.
4. Distressed Denim

The term increasingly worn jeans more cool is also predicted to increasingly ngehits in 2017. In addition to the many fashion bloggers who began to popularize, pants like these models are also considered lightweight, simple, but still cool.
5. Camel Coats

Camel Coats began ogled as it is considered suitable for use in different seasons. In winter, an item like this is perfect when paired with a scarf. As for the warmer season, just put on the shoulder also makes you more okay.
6. Stacked Earrings
Lately, layering not only for clothes only. Rings, earrings, and bracelets that use stacked predicted to explode during 2017.
7. High necklines
T-shirts, dresses, and blouses with high necks will be popular next year. Items fashion as it is perfect when paired with high-waisted denim models and accessories stacked.
8. Backless Shoes
Item backless shoes predicted to be back in a trend because it is considered anti complicated and simple. Although not complicated, these items are also considered to still be used for semi-formal events.
9. Political Tees
T-shirts with the impression of political writings became popular since 2016. And it seems like a simple fashion item but looked 'naughty' is also going more loved in 2017.
10. Item fashion 80s.
 Pinterest report, the trend of wearing the fashion item of the '80s rose by 87 percent. Items such as a denim skirt and stockings are widely used graphics back. So get ready for unloading cabinets mother yes.