Sunday 29 November 2009

double fun!

Teeeettt teeeerrroooott teeeetttt tooottt.... ( yes, just imagine a trumpet sound ) and drum roll please.... yaaayy a quite big thing just happen to me,! ahh things not just thing, because I got two good news to share. ( writing this thing, with a big big smile on my face )

first news

I don't know why, and how but somehow I've got nominated by on their Annual style award 2009, in "the face to watch out for 2010" category, how cool is that ?! so if you love me, please vote me in here or you can just click the picture above :)

well I don't have to tell you this, because I know you already knew, but still got to say it "I love you all" *kissess

second news

first thing first I got be honest, I'm so rarely open my email, ( and when I do, I just read the recent one ) that's why I'm kindda shocked when I found out that so many people send me an email, and so many interview request, so many store want to send me a gift, ughhh what a stupid me. super sorry! but I promise, I'm gonna change my habbit, pinky promise! I will always check my email every single day.

So one of the lost email ( read : treasure ) is this one, it's from, as you all know it's a great fashion website, and they were send me an email to tell me that chictopia pick me to be a style council! and as a part of Chictopia's prestigious style council, meaning I can vote on photos and decide who gets to be in chictopia style gallery right away. waaaaaaww it's a big big big honour for me, thank you cherri! thank you chictopia, I promise ( yep I made a lot promise today ) to be a good council!

*good night everybody sleep tight! and have a nice dream ( kisses and hugs!)

ps : I'm thinking to make some giveaway ( like many blogger do ) right after tmy exams is finish, what do you think? hmm... I must start to pick a cool thing then...

Thursday 26 November 2009

Four things a woman should know: How to look like a girl, How to act like a lady, How to think like a man, And how to work like a dog

Hello people... how's your day today ? I hope it's great because mine is perfect.

Thank you for all your comment on my last post! thank you soooo much. I'm so sorry that I didn't replied like I used to, but I do read all the comment, one by one. ughh school is killing me! and I only got 1 hour a day to open my blog, fuuh.... how I wish there were more than 24 hours / day.

Well cut the chase ( like I said one hour a day....)... like you all know ( well if you don't, now you gonna know ) I like wearing black, like like like it sooo much, I don't know why, well red too... but black is my fave, and I will give you my secret, in any party if I don't know what to wear, if I don't got the time to buy a new one, then most certainly I'm gonna wear my little black dress, and voilaaaa.... I'm a lady. a very nice young lady :) as simple as that.

and another secret, I'm in love with my LBD, it's like magic, different accessories, different style. I'm gonna show you, let's start shall we? I hope you like it because it's gonna be a long long post :)

ps : I know I know I look older in this pict, but this just for fun, just to play around, and I do love to act like a young lady.

this look is super simple, but it sure works everywhere,and ohh do you see? do you see? I even got some hair do. :D

LBD : my sister made it for me, tottaly love it
black leather gloves : laksmi tailor
bracelet : monet new york ( belong to my sister )
vintage brooch : Forever 21
glittery tights : zara for kids
black flat shoes : wondershoe

Now it's time for some magic, and to make it interesting, I make a theme, and short story for every set, the next one theme is a Widow, I played as a sad widow, and as you can see, all I'm adding is a headpiece ( once again a lovely work of art from nefertiti jewelz )

Sad Sad Widow

the story :
hmm... so she's a sad sad widow, her husband leave to early, everyone feels sorry for her, and she looks like she's in deepest pain, but hey, is that really a smile that I see behind her handkerchief ? hmm... that's strange... what was that about ?

headpiece : nefertiti jewelz
handkerchief : valentino
rings : belong to my sister ( ughhh I really want my own ring )

second theme


the story :
whoaa... is that really her? I can recognize her even she's in mask, but in a party? wasn't she still in a mourn ?! hmm... that's what the smile about... tsktsktsk bad bad widow. but upss, she saw you lookin at her, and she ask you to stay "shhhtt"

great quote : "When a young man complains that a young lady has no heart, it's pretty certain that she has his" - George Dennison



Well oh well, now she's on a cruise having her holiday, I hope life will treat you right my dear lady. hasta la vista

bowler hat : cherokee
necklace : it's actually a lv keychain, cute right? :D
bracelet : actually it's a long long necklace, unbranded
rose brooch : is it cute ? I made it myself from a clay

fuuuhh finally done, quite extra long story today right ? hehehhe I hope you all enjoying it as much as I do. and ohh ohhh... I want to share my happines! like I said before, I really really want my own ring, I want it so bad! but my daddy won't allowed me, but God knows I'm a good kid, so a couple days ago I receive email from sarah, she's from and she said that she want to send me a gift from her store, how cool is that?! and and she even let me pick anything I want! whoaaa.... thank you sooo much :) ughh now I almost dying, it's so hard to choose! you must see it by yourself, it's super pretty! ohhh I want the rings! the earrings too! and the pendant too!.. they all too pretty! Oh good God please forgive me T__T

hmm help me choose will you ? which one should I choose ? I'm thinking....

this the unique one

or the classic one?

see how can I'm not dying ?

Sunday 8 November 2009

Life is like a rainbow, you need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear

Hello people! how are you today? I hope you all doing just fine. Aah not so long ago a friend of mine popped out a question, why am I so rarely use a bright colors, do I hate pink ? well the answer is, no, I swear I love pink, I love every color, each one is as good as the other one. and I do love the color of the rainbow, I do, I really do. I'm a normal little girl, I love pink,  a pony, candy, and everything that sweet and nice, and I collected barbies too! see I'm normal, but a cute dress or a shirt with a barbie picture printed on it is just not for me, I don't know why but somehow it's never attract me. Wait  err .... I'm still normal right ? 

and then I said again to my friend, if I wear bright colors I wear it seriously, and then she dare me to pull on a bright colors clothes and post it in my blog. Hahaha that's easy, piece a cake. But yeah.. well you the judge, tell me... tell me... am I doing it right ? 









pink jacket : bang bang girls
yellow jeans  : tailor made
glasses necklace : recycle experience ( tottaly cute! it's made from used stuff )
my video ipod +  sennheiser px 200 headphone
polkadot bag : it's actually a beauty case, bought it in index store 
random rings and bracelets
fingerless gloves : strawberry
pink shoes : converse

do I look cute or what? hehehhe, but normal is so not me, well to make it fun, I put on my rainbow wig .... hehehhe. I probably not normal, but I definitely knows how to have fun right?! :D






ugh do you hear that annoying sound too ? no ? ...... shoot ! that's my nanny telling me to sleep now, my nanny is definitely not fun. ahhh I do feel sleepy now, I really have to go. see yaaaa! sweet dream people. Kisses for you all! and a hug too! 

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Do or do not... there is no try

helllooo peopleeee!! uhhh I miss you guys so so so muccchhh! I miss my blog! I know, i know... I'm being such a bad bad blogger. but I hope you all forgive me and my laziness. Hmm what's the news? ohhh yeaahh! I'm on magazine! how cool is that? thank you so much to girlfriend magazine for having me. *kisses, and oh for my new school life, it's fantastic!! my friends are super duper fun, we having to much fun, it's almost a sin hahaaha and oh yeah I'm struggling with my mandarin language now, my private teacher is super cool too, she's from beijing, and the funny thing is she can't speak Indonesian language. hahhaha.


Oh yeah, do you already watch This is it? If you're not then you really should! seriously! well even I can't see clearly, my eyes were covering with tears. uhhh, MJ how I miss you so much! you're the coolest! I' m falling in love even deeper to you now. Your the eagle! well I will stop mourning, I'm know he's okay now, sometimes God give someone happy ending that you can't predict, and I'm just so sure that this is his happy ending. Have a save rest there MJ. I love you.

and this is me on the old ultraman comic book, hahahaha just kidding, do you see my shirt under my jacket? it's ultraman! cool! I found about this robinet wonders shirt when I was busy wondershoeing ( hehehhe my new word for "looking at wondershoe"), I was searching for wondershoe on the google, and at any chance it's robinet wonders that shows, and I'm instantly in love. whoaaaaa they have all these cute character! it's bring headache just to choose, watch out, don't tell me I don't warn you. hehehehe.


and my favorite is this one! It's Yoda! something that you all might not know is that I'm a starwars lovers! watched all the movies, even the old one, and I like Yoda the most! he is so... hmm what's the right word? ... oh yeah so zen! so wise.



some of my movies


my favorite star wars lego watch! yay!

here's some wise word from Yoda :

my favorite one :“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.”

“Do or do not... there is no try.”

“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”