Friday 3 July 2009

it's for you

I've been in a very upside down moment right now. I'm happy, there's so Many great things happen to me lately, but inside I cannot lie to myself that I'm in a great grief. I feel like something just ripped my heart and take it away. I feel like there's a big hole in my heart. I'm definitelly suffering form a loss of one of my hero. Yes I'm talking about the one and only Mr. Michael Jackson. I never ever knew that the lost of him would affect me so bad. He may not have his glory in my era. but my daddy and sister always been a big fans of him. sometimes my daddy still play his song, and tell story about how great he is ( I know that Ben song, is actually about a mice ). When we heard the news about his death I swear that I see tears in my father's eyes, and I'm suddenly break down and cry. and I never been a crying person. but he's so huge! and now he's gone.

I remember his first song that I heard is black or white, and me and my sister dancing like crazy over that song. and hearing ben always make me shiver . and I remember when I see him in television ( he was still alive at that time), and people keep making a joke of him, I asked my sister, "If he's a king of pop, why people treat him like that?" my sister said that's because he's not in the top anymore, that what people do to you, when your not in the top. well I remember my answer to my sister "that people must hear his song again, and think, are they can be that good? they are nothing compare to him. shame on them" he's Michael Jackson, and that person who talk bad about him, I don't even know his name. gosh, how people can be so mean.

He always always been my hero, his voice! his dance! this what I don't understand, people keep asking is it really me who make this blog? you're only ten it can't be you and bla bla bla, why is it so hard to believe, while Mr Michael Jackson can do soooooo sooooo big things, and he was five at that time!!!! I was nothing, absolutely nothing compare to him. I'm a dust now compare what he was doing at age of 5.

please do respect him. respect his talent. cause you never ever gonna find someone like him again. May he's soul rest in a very peacefull place, let him embrace our tears for him. this is tribute to my Michael Jackson, who always gonna lived forever in my heart, and I promise I will tell this story to my children someday. that at age 10 I was lossing one of my hero. and I will make them hear your song. and I believe they gonna have the same reaction as me when I heard your song for the first time. and it's "WOW"

it might be nothing, but it's for you

my hats off goes to you

one of my favorite line from his song is : "Dont tell me you agree with me, When I saw you kicking dirt in my eye"

Thursday 2 July 2009

it's wonderfully wondershoe!!!!

Allohaaa everybody! ( I hope you guys not having a tooth ache caused by my last post ) XD hehehe. do you remember the contest that I won a couple weeks ago? Ohh yess I have my prize
( well prizessss actually :D ) in my hand since last week, but just got the chance to take the picture yesterday ( blame my ups and down moods ) ughhh just want to tell you guys that the picture is don't do any justice to the shoes, they more prettier in real life! I'm having a heart attack when the package is on my hand XD, my heart goes bum bum bum!. ( I even feel the bum bum bum now...)

Imagine this, a month ago I'm the girl who knows that she's gonna collect some more wondershoe shoes in a very minute her feet touch her first wondershoes. but she knows her daddy won't like the idea. I told you something, shoes and her, cannot be separated ; P and other than that, her wonderhoe must be feel lonely without her friends around, and as a good mommy ( yeahh all of her shoes is her kids) it would given her a bad name, if she don't try to cheer up her kid. hahaha. soooo to cut the story short. it's happy ending story. she's ( which is me ) now can hug her shoes! and dancing with them and her kids won't be lonely anymore. XD.

Ok I know, I have so many great shoes before, but this one ( ohh this five one) it's different, you can say. I actually earn it. without my daddy or my sisters money. and it feels absolutely wonderfull! :) ohhh what a happy me! but I'll share my happines! hope you like my photos :D

ahh for you guys who email me about the shoes, yes I know the website is undermaintenance but you can also check it in here it's a WONDERSHOE FACEBOOK, and for the website , I already ask it to wondershoe owner the sweet kak Natalia ( who's turn out to be my cousin friends! what a small world! ) :) she said that the website is gonna be open again at 15 july.can't wait? me toooo! XD

kisses and hugs!

Monday 29 June 2009

it's sweet...super sweet

Hello everyone! how's your holiday ? I looove mine! well who's not ? I can wake up everytime I want, wrapping myself in my warm blanket ! and I just got back from out of town. so overall my holiday is rockkss! there's something I've been wanting to show you. it's sooo cuteee and sweet! ( no oh not a candy... but as sweet as that...) It got my eye in the first sight, and I'm sure yours too. okay. ready?

my white lady

mr purple

and ooohh....

cute cute cute cute!

See cuteee right ? I accidentally see it in her blog, and ask my sister to order it for me ( I pick the white lady necklace and a girl bracelet ). It takes time to make it, but it worth the wait! she even gave me a bonus! not one, but two bonus !! ( the mr purple and the fish bracelet ) a kisses for you!!! and the package is soo beautiful too isn't ? if you want this cute thing too, you can check it out in here it called miucraft! but seriously prepare your tootbrush, it's so sweet I can feel an ache in my teeth. hehehhe

Tuesday 16 June 2009


Hello everybody!! how are you? how's life treat you? I hope they treat you good! because they treat me good! soooo good! as you can see I'm in a very good mood, the reason is so many great things happen to me this couple
weeks. where do I have to start? let see... hmmm.
1. first thing first, the exam is oveeerr! oveerrr! and I'm so ready for my holiday! yiiihaaaaa! my teacher said that my result is quite good, not very good but quite good. hahahhaha. okay that good enough for me.

2. I've become the winner in wondershoe contest! whoooaaaa... and I'm in a first place! I'm sooo happy! very happy!when I first read about this contest I was like "I'm so join this!" how can I'm not? the winner can choose a free shoes! all I have to do is take a good picture with wondershoe shoe ( which I already have) and send it. hohoho I send my photo in very last minute, and my sister edit it in just like 10 minutes, it's saturday and she's kindda in rush to go somewhere. that day is 6th june, and they said that they gonna announce the winner in 15th june. so yeahh I'm waiting. but but but when I'm open the wonderhoe website at 8th june I'm shoocckeeed! they already announce it! so the rest is history. I win!!! and I can choose 5 shoes! hohohohahahahohoho. I give my sister a thousand kiss. she deserve it! hehehhe. and thank you wondershoeee!!!

3.L'armadio del delitto and VeniArni who have great blog make a post about me! can you believe that? I can't even describe my feelings, it's happy, flattered, shock, happy, flattered, happy, happy and again happy ( yeah I know I already mention happy and flattered, but I write it again just to show you how happy I am, hehehe. happy it's only simple word, it's only contain five letter, it's so simple word but when you feel it it's undescribable and it's hard to describe it without make any mistake in using a word. I just realize that happy is more happy than happy itself ), my face is pink! I'm blushing! oh my God! it's an honour! a BIG BIG one! it even bring tears to my eye. I cannot believe someone actually write something about me. you can read it in here and here. and tell me how can I'm not crying?
Hohoho that's all I guess. I'm gonne leave you with this pictures, this is some pictures that I took for wondershoe contest. these are not the one that I send. and it has a different style, but you can see the original one in here ( it's wondershoe website ) :)I hope you like these picture! well I do. and yes, the both kids in the picture is me. I do looking good as a boy. don't I ? hehehehe.

*kisses and hug!

evita nuh

Monday 25 May 2009

Fun Fact !

So so so sorry, I know, it's been like an age since my last post. and thank you for all the sweet comment that asked me to make some update :) I will! like... NOW! hehehe.

I've been sick this couple weeks, and It's quite serious ( ok, I mean a common fever, not some serious illness hahahha ) so, I have a red nose, droopy eyes, hoarse voice and my throat is sooo oucchh! and the hospital suddenly change into my second home. been there 4 times in a month! geeeezz. and my lovely doctor keep telling my daddy that I don't need to be hospitalized, all I need is a good rest ( hahahha I told you so daddy! but what can I say, I have a too worry daddy ). but I'm doing good now :D not a 100 % though. but good.

People said that you have to look any situation and any condition in the most positive way, it means there's always something good in something bad. hahaha I do that! let see, research is start with a simple question and that is : what the best thing about being sick? that super yummie chicken soup? No...or the fact that I can skip school? NAH! not even that... or maybe my sickness gave me all legal reason to dilly dallying over? No oh... your not even getting closser. Okay! my result of my research brought me to this fantastic fact. read this fact slowly, word by word. that. being. sick. make. me. a. LITTLE. DIVA! yipppiieee!!! repeat after me.. DIVA hahaha. so as a diva I can have what I want, oh no no no. they have to give me what I want! this droopy sad eyes of mine have their own magic! everytime i look at my daddy and my sisters right in the eye. and voillaa! they will say "what's wrong honey? what do you need? do you want something? what can I do for you to make yu feel better?" hohoho. be carefull I want so many things. like that super awesome crayon that I want all along ( and yeah you right, I got my super awesome crayon in my hand now ), that cute bracelet that my sister just bought,and all I have to do is. hold that bracelet in my hand and said "ohh this is so lovely, I wish it was mine, ohh this is strange how just looking at this pink bunnie can make me feel better. I don't know why" and yeaah it is mine now. hahahaha. okay, I'll stop here before you start hating me.

see it's not always bad, right?
but then again my research also lead me to this fact : that being sick, makes me realize how great of being healthy is! how priceless it can be. because even though I can easily get what I want, I'm also can't do many thing that I want to do just because I'm sick. It's not worth the's really not. it's just not. so take care! like a wise men Sir Francis Bacon once said “A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul, a sick body is a prison” Can't agree more Sir!

PS : I just attended to my sister graduation ceremony, last saturday. and I swear the ceremony makes me shiver! it's sooo beautiful! can't wait for my own ceremony to come.

and ohh i leave you with this photos, it's taken before I'm sick :D hope you enjoy it!

black long sleeve shirt : zara for kids
black pants : zara for kids
eye necklace : oominium
camera necklace : mitchy belle
yellow sneakers : reebok

plaid pants : zara for kids
black vest : my sister handmade
pins & badges : got it from my sister! yayyy!
black dragon shoes : it's a gift! superr cool shoes!

and here's the bunny charmbracelet, hope it can makes you feel happier too! well it works for me! :P hehehe.

ahh I want to give you all my kisses but, no oh, I won't take a chance that I might infected you all! so I hope hugs is enough for now ♥♥♥

Wednesday 29 April 2009

and the the question is...

I've got this beautiful award from kak anna . thank you sooo much! ♥♥♥

and I've been tagged by three awesome sister ! kak diana, kak yumiko and kak Dinda :) to answer this questions. so here it is

What is your current obsession?
current eh? ahh I know I know! my sister camera! Oooh Good God please help me! somehow make them bored with their camera.

What is your weirdest obsession?
Invented a time machine

What are you wearing today?
my uniform. after that grey sweater black pants + brown chuck shoes. and now my pijamas

What’s for dinner today?
we were out for dinner today, so I have a very nice tenderloin steak. yihhaaa!

Why is today special?
hmm. maybe because I get some more card from love and berry

What would you like to learn to do?
turn back time. it's a tricks no one knows how. ( still )

What’s the last thing you bought?
a case for my blackberry

What are you listening to right now?
my name is tallulah from bugsy malone movie. its a fun fun song. you should check it out

What is your favorite weather?
let see. hmm. I love rainy day when me and all my family stays at home, but I would love a warm sunny day when we plan to go out.

What is your most challenging goal right now?
pass the age of 10 perfectly. and Ohh continuing this blog.

What do you think about the person who tagged you?
definitely a very inspiring and cool ladies! :D

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
where my daddy is.

What would you like to have in your hands right now?
a thousand love and berry cards! eh or a magic wand!

What would you like to get rid of?
the way I walk, I'm often walk on my tiptoe.

if you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
maybe rome, yeahh rome would be awesome.

Which language do you want to learn?
a sign languange

What do you look for in a friend?
a true kindness

Who do you want to meet in person? my mom

What’s your favorite type of music?
a sweet song, with great sound of piano and big cello in it

What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
my pijamas

What is your dream job?
I'm not sure yet.

Any favorite models?
models? I don't know any actually. they look all the same.

If you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
books and books and books

Favorite designer?
I'm to little for this question.

Fashion pet peeve?
a real fur! if my clothes have any fur in it I always make sure it's not a real fur!

Do you admire anyone’s style?
hell yeah! and it's to many to mention!

Describe your personal style
I can't. I just I really can't. my style is change coincide with my mood.

and now I tag this question to : ( drumroll please... )
1. kak Anna
2. kak cassey
3. kak ebby
4. kak karinasaputri
5. kak shila
6. kak Unee
7,8. to whoever that want to answer this question. :D have fun!!! ♥♥

Sunday 12 April 2009

Dream come true!

One of my favorite actor once said "With my sunglasses on, I'm Jack Nicholson. Without them, I'm fat and 60" When I read that, I was thinking... "heeey that's right!" . I always think that glasses is more than just an accesoris, it's a statement. I'm a geek, I'm a rockstar, I'm a fun person. with a glasses ( the right one ) it's all been said, you don't even need a word. do this : wear a big cool black sunglasses, and head up your had a little bit. for me it's like a statement for "do-not-touch-me-or-even-trying-ahh-I-mean-do-not-even-think-about-it."

One of my dream suddenly come true.
here's why. I always always love to play with my sister glasses. it's fun! remember this post.I was actually planning to make a photoshoot with many glasses.but I never got the time the until three days ago ( I have some quite long vacation and not planning to go anywhere). so I come to her and ask her permission to use her glasses for my photoshoot ( okay, I'm ready for a NO answer, and already make a plan B, - which is call my daddy and ask him to ask my sister. believe me it's always work. huahahahaha...-evil laugh ) but the answer is super surprising. SUPER! it's just like I just got an electromagnetic shock wave. she answer my question with another question. she asked do I really love all of those glasses? I'm like "YEAHH!" and she said again "Ok then, you can have them. it's yours" I believe I was stone cold for a while. "have them? like now or 7 years from now?" ( its been said that I'm gonna inherit her glasses when I'm 17 ) I even double check her expression. she looks serious. " yeah now... " Ok I know I'm being dumb, I know I should run away right at that moment with all those glasses before she change her mind. but no, I'm too curious. instead of doing the right thing ( that run away thing ) I ask her again " seriously? but why?" and the answer is that she think she's already to old for those glasses. And I'm suddenly covered with the glorious of happines. but my sister is not giving away the bag that she use to put her ( now MINE) glasses. that's why I need a new home for my kids ( yes, now I call them "my kids", and i just know the perfect one. a new perfect house for them! its my vintage suitcase that I get from my last birthday. and I'm right. It's perfect. hmmmm.

Well I know I'm too young for some of the glasses. but it's a treasure I will keep for another tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow. but it wont hurt to show you guys some of the glasses. hope you like it! say hi to this adorable child of mine.