Thursday 2 July 2009

it's wonderfully wondershoe!!!!

Allohaaa everybody! ( I hope you guys not having a tooth ache caused by my last post ) XD hehehe. do you remember the contest that I won a couple weeks ago? Ohh yess I have my prize
( well prizessss actually :D ) in my hand since last week, but just got the chance to take the picture yesterday ( blame my ups and down moods ) ughhh just want to tell you guys that the picture is don't do any justice to the shoes, they more prettier in real life! I'm having a heart attack when the package is on my hand XD, my heart goes bum bum bum!. ( I even feel the bum bum bum now...)

Imagine this, a month ago I'm the girl who knows that she's gonna collect some more wondershoe shoes in a very minute her feet touch her first wondershoes. but she knows her daddy won't like the idea. I told you something, shoes and her, cannot be separated ; P and other than that, her wonderhoe must be feel lonely without her friends around, and as a good mommy ( yeahh all of her shoes is her kids) it would given her a bad name, if she don't try to cheer up her kid. hahaha. soooo to cut the story short. it's happy ending story. she's ( which is me ) now can hug her shoes! and dancing with them and her kids won't be lonely anymore. XD.

Ok I know, I have so many great shoes before, but this one ( ohh this five one) it's different, you can say. I actually earn it. without my daddy or my sisters money. and it feels absolutely wonderfull! :) ohhh what a happy me! but I'll share my happines! hope you like my photos :D

ahh for you guys who email me about the shoes, yes I know the website is undermaintenance but you can also check it in here it's a WONDERSHOE FACEBOOK, and for the website , I already ask it to wondershoe owner the sweet kak Natalia ( who's turn out to be my cousin friends! what a small world! ) :) she said that the website is gonna be open again at 15 july.can't wait? me toooo! XD

kisses and hugs!


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