Thursday 6 January 2011

first hello in 2011!!

Hello people!!! yes I'm back, yes finally I updating this abandoned, neglected blog, but before screaming HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all, I think it's the right thing to do for me to say I'm so sorry for my very late update, my laziness you will forgive me right? pleaaaseeeeee... (Sad puppy eyes) yes I got all your angry notes, the soft one, the angry one and even the fury one. I accepted it all and from deepest of my heart I’m apologize to you all, I know there’s no excuse that good enough to tell you and all I can say is that I’ve been pretty busy lately, school thing, family vacation, new year eve, my birthday, ups! Did I just say it? Yes!! New Year eve is also my birthday!!! I’m 12 now!!!! And you know is the right thing to forgive a birthday girl, hehehe just got some cool prizes from my birthday and will show you in my next post! :D

Okay now it’s the time! HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE!!!! Wish you a very good luck through all this year! *cheers!! Ough 2010, there’s so many thing happens to me in 2010, great thing mostly, and I just can’t believe it, it’s almost 3 years since I’m first blogging! Maybe it’s because I’m 12 now I’ve become wiser and many new thought struck me. Who would even guess that my little joy to playing with clothes and with this little blog of mine would bring me so many great opportunity, great experience and so many new friends! Never ever cross my mind, not even a bit. Something I just can’t thanks enough and all my thanks go to you, my wonderful reader. *kiss kiss!

Hmm just like every other year making resolution is not something I'm good at, the truth is resolution is like a promises, and I don't like making promises. But for this year I will do a little resolution not really resolution but something like that. I will talk some pieces that left behind in 2010.

1. Something that have been bother my mind lately, got many letter about it and I know I must do something about it, some of you maybe realize I don't really reply comment like I used to do, and I know that is something wrong, I've got this email who says to comment is like a "Hi" and like every other Hi, you must say "hi' back, actually I know that, but it's not something easy to do, the problem is always been time, theres never enough time for me, so many things to do and so little time, it's frustrating. So I don't make any promise or something, but I promise I'll do my best, from now on, I'll try to say hi back to you.

2. about my lack of post, I know right? hahaha. Just so you know I also mad at myself. But seriously making a new post is not as easy as it looks ( well it's for me thou..) I mostly find myself exhausted after school and so many other course, and that keep making me postpone my photoshoot and same old excuses I know, but time! I always dealling with lack of times, ough how I wish I have all the time in the world! So for this new year wish I found some new way for my time management, wish me luck will you? :)

3. For some of you who read my formspring, all I want to say is, thank you! it's been wonderful, I always love to answer funny question, serious question or any question! but for my birthday gift, whoever you are, would you promise me to do this, for me? STOP ASKING ABOUT MY MOM, for God sake it's private, there I say it. Yes I don't live with my mom, it's my choice and yes she's a live, so if you smart you might know why. And yes, of course I love her, for it's worth she's my mother, she brought me into this world and I'm not somekind of ungrateful child. So please it's hurts enough knowing not like my other friends who when they come home there will be a mother who waiting and make a home cook dinner, while I always have a dinner outside just with my dad ( my sisters is live on their own apartment, so it's just me and my dad ) sometimes it's fun, but you know. not always fun. I do miss homemade dinner, lunch, breakfast. My dad always try to cooked for me, but it weird when me and my friends open our lunch box and saying "my dad my dad made this for me.." instead of saying "my mom made this.." My dad is trying so hard to makes me happy, I couldn't thank enough to God for giving me the best father someone could have but everytime I read that kind of question it always bring the worst in me, I become moody and everything, so please just don't. It's hard already without someone rubbing it to my face all the time.

4. Smile in my photos, hahahaha people said it, I always have an icey face in my pictures, want to know the reason why? it's the clothes! seriously everytime I put on a dress I instantly feel how I'm suppose to pose, capture the soul of the clothes and mostly it's icey and the second reason is my big teeth!!! I have this super huge teeth! hahaha and I'm too shy to show it to you, but if you insist, well okay, check out my pictures! :D

I guess that's all So once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR! wish you all the super best!!!

so here's my many big teeth ehm I mean pictures to share... hehehe
















hat : gaudi
jacket : it's an old jacket of my and I cut the brand tag hahaha
shirt : gymboree
white pants : zara kids
socks : gap
shoes : Yongki ( bought in on sale! only 5 dollar! ) :D


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